Make a donation

Our goal for life is to live as healthily and self-sufficiently as possible, being gentle, caring and respectful to the land we work, whilst raising awareness and hopefully inspiring others to respect this beautiful planet that we all share.

Our mission is to bring to light the importance of eating clean, whole foods for optimum health and to nourish our bodies, and the significance of how our food is grown - Chemical free, Nourished soil and with love and care for the surrounding environment.

You too can taste and feel the difference for yourselves.

If you appreciate and get value from what we share with you, you can make a donation by clicking the link below…… It could simply be the value of a packet of seeds - let us know which seeds you’d like to see us sow even, and they might just star in one of our future videos.

We will continue to provide you with free videos to inspire and help you to grow your own food naturally. We will document our journey as it unfolds and provide you with healthy eating and living ideas, with recipes and videos, so you too can venture into the world of health, happiness and earth care.

“Most of the problems in the world can be solved by people gardening”